Leadership Lake Oswego - Class of 2025 registration
Use this link to register for the Leadership Lake Oswego class beginning in September, 2024 and graduating in June, 2025
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Please register at your earliest convenience. Class is limited to 35 participants. The schedule can be found on the Chamber website under Leadership Lake Oswego meeting the third Thursday of each month (September to May, graduation in June). 9 am to 11:30 am
Locations change monthly. This year we are in person, reserving January for a remote meeting.
$849 per person with a chamber membership. Please register using this form. If you are not a Chamber member, you will be billed for a membership (you will not be charged the set up fee if you are registering for Leadership Lake Oswego). Please note if you are affiliated with a Chamber member non-profit board of directors or serve on a neighborhood association board to see if you are already covered by a membership.
Business: $400
Corporate: $1250
Visionary: 3500
Individual: $149
Non-profit: $250